10 October 2009


I was introduced to a great tool for scholars by my friend M____, himself an burgeoning first rate scholar from my cohort. This tool is called Zotero.

Zotero is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox that allows very easy collection and collation of research sources. I was able today quickly to gather about forty potential sources for a seminar paper I'm preparing on the Evelyn Waugh's A Handful of Dust. It was great. Like most decent softwares available today, Zotero is available online, for free, with a minimum of hassle, and with an almost non-existent learning curve. Here is a not very clear screen shot from my research activities this morning. In the middle are a list of taggable, sortable sources. The rightmost column is sensitive to which source is selected from the middle.

New post?

Hmm.... I just pressed the "new post" button... it's been very close to a year now. Let's see where this leads.