24 October 2009

'Today is my twenty-seventh birthday: I am twenty-seven today!'

16 October 2009


The last few days have been full of the sort of experiences that are at once seminal and nostalgic.

13 October 2009

Apology for the testing, and the rain on the plain.

I was trying to find and eradicate some old HTML from a couple years ago. If there is anyone that follows this blog, sorry for all the "Test" posts... I think I'm done for now!

In other news.... I can't believe how much/often it rains in the Autumn here in Central Texas.

10 October 2009


I was introduced to a great tool for scholars by my friend M____, himself an burgeoning first rate scholar from my cohort. This tool is called Zotero.

Zotero is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox that allows very easy collection and collation of research sources. I was able today quickly to gather about forty potential sources for a seminar paper I'm preparing on the Evelyn Waugh's A Handful of Dust. It was great. Like most decent softwares available today, Zotero is available online, for free, with a minimum of hassle, and with an almost non-existent learning curve. Here is a not very clear screen shot from my research activities this morning. In the middle are a list of taggable, sortable sources. The rightmost column is sensitive to which source is selected from the middle.

New post?

Hmm.... I just pressed the "new post" button... it's been very close to a year now. Let's see where this leads.